Its so hard for me to believe its August!! I'm not sure what happened to July! Exciting things in the last month... lets see... We did our first Face Book giveaway, we had a nice little wooden box, made from re-purposed wood, those are so cute, and the box had a couple of our great soap, bath bombs, a body butter and a Bath Spa salt included in it. We were thrilled that little bit of marketing got us 829 views on Facebook, which was fun to watch. Then gave the lady who won a call, and she was so tickled!! What a fun thing to do, so we're doing it again!!! Check us out The Market At Newport on Facebook. I would add a button but for real I don't know how...LOL
The bees are buzzzy... I know not funny. Whatever. I need to go check on those ladies and see what they are doing. They've been in the hives long enough that they frown on the intrusion. What that translates to, if you go out there and get too close to the hives they sting you!! And its not ONE that will sting you, you get three or four chasing you off!! I try to respect that they are a strong matriarchal society, female dominated... GO GIRLS!! But wow, they should embrace their fellow females, especially me!! Its a little hurtful that they refuse to include me in their club!! LOL
Stinging hussies.
Trying to put up some figs that a friend gave me... found a recipe for Brandied figs. I figure sugar brandy and figs, what's not to love about that? I'll let you know how it turns out.
OH the best part of July... I got a belt sander!! Its pretty exciting!! HOLD ONTO YOUR HATS!! I love working with pallet wood, or old fence wood. I love the look, the boxes and crates, I want to make a trunk!! And a little hanging desk that folds down off the wall... and and and and... anyway, I really ENJOY it but the hold up always comes in sanding it down smooth and nice and making it look so cool!! I'm not fond of sanding, even though I use a mouse sander, its a slow process. I talk to my hubby, who is literally the king of tools... really, he's a diesel mechanic, 40 years worth of it. So, I told him my complaint. Off to Harbor Freight we go... I had a 20% off coupon in my hot little hand and I got me a belt sander with a disc sander on the side!!!!
I have lost a little skin off my knuckles but I can tell you that thing is DA BOMB!!!! I have also had a few pieces of wood jerked out of my hand and slung across the shop. I can only use it when no one is in my immediate vicinity. LOL!!! Nobody is perfect ok? But it cut my sanding time waaaaay down!!! So that's pretty cool to me.
Ok, hopefully I'll write again before Christmas...I'm joking of course but won't be surprised if it happens that way. Pears will be coming in, so that means pear honey has to be made....figs got to be done today, I was low on Brandy go figure, not sure where that went... LOL I've added a few pics... the belt sander, my air brad nailer, and my cool little mitre saw...try not to be jealous. HAHAHA!!!
So, look for us on FaceBook, like share and comment on our next giveaway and win some cool bath stuff!! Later yall.... and as always, thanks for reading and hanging with me.
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